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Welcome to Alexandria Community Education

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A variety of opportunities for PreK-12 youth to learn, grow and build friendships. Summer programs are for grades going into 2024-2025 school year.


Learning for Life includes all ages and stages of life. Enrichment and recreational courses offered.


School Age Childcare is offered for children PreK-grade 5 before and after school. All 6 elementary schools and the Early Education Center.

Adult & Students with Disabilities

The Adults and Students with Disabilities program provides a vibrant environment to explore creative and social opportunities. 


Our diverse classrooms help your child discover a love for learning in an interactive, stimulating and academically rich environment. Full and half day options available.

ECFE Family Classes

You are your child's first and most important teacher! Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) classes support you in this essential role. For you and your child age birth to 5.

Childhood Screening

Early Childhood Screening is a free and simple check of how your child is growing, developing and learning. It is best done when your child is 3 years old. Register online.

Facility Rental 

School buildings in Alexandria are available for rent by the community during non-school hours and are great locations for group activities and meetings.