Registration is Now Available for 2025-26 Preschool & Cardinal Care at EEC. Have questions? Contact Mindy for Preschool at 320-762-3305 and Melissa for Cardinal Care at 320-762-3310 __Welcome to the Cardinal Family!__
Compass, School Age Child Care (prek-5 grade)
How to register for Youth Enrichment Camp Find your students’ grade group and add to your cart, one class from each block 1, 2 & 3 In your cart, you will have three classes totaling $162 for the full day camp Optional childcare: 2:45-4:00 pm, for an
Discover even more research tips and tricks that you can instantly apply to your own research.
This class will be conducted online and instructions will be provided well in advance. No software will need to be downloaded when using a computer, you'll simply click on a link. If you are using a phone or an ipad, it will prompt you to download an app.You will receive your invitation to the email you provided during registration.
Jen Shaffer is a full-time professional genealogist and co-owner of The Formidable Genealogist. She strives to make genealogy skills more accessible to budding genealogists. She resides in the Twin Cities.
Jen Shaffer